AddMeFast is a very popular service for increasing your social media presence. You can increase your Facebook likes, post shares or get more Twitter followers or retweets for your tweet. You can get website views, Stumbleupon views, Instagram followers and likes. Pinterest followers and repins are also available. Plus its the only service we found that also gives you VK and followers!
Anyways, enough about, I am sure most of you already knew all this. We have created 2 cool iMacro scripts for AddMeFast and we are giving it for free! They are safe to use (enough wait is added and it doesn't look spammy). If you are not aware how to use it to automate your social media accounts growth, we'll explain it just below, but first, let us tell you about the features of both the scripts and you can chose which one you like better (or maybe you can use both!)
- Stealth AddMeFast 2017 Script: What this does is, only likes posts and follows people. It does NOT post anything from your accounts so you can use this on your main accounts. What it'll do is this: 1st, It'll like 3 Tweets, then follow 3 people on Twitter, then like 3 Instagram pictures, after that it'll follow 5 people on Instagram, then follow 3 people on Pinterest, subscribe to 5 Youtubers, like 3 FB pages and in the end follow 3 people on Stumbleupon. After that it'll repeat. By deault, it'll rerun the script 99 times, but you can change it in the iMacro settings.
- Full AddMeFast 2017 Beast Script: We don't recommend to use this one for your main accounts, otherwise they may look spammy. This will do almost everything on Addmefast. Post, Share, Like, Subscribe, Repin etc etc. You'll get a LOT of points and followers.
- Get a separate browser (its not necessary but its easier, because in that browser, all your fake profiles will be loaded. We recommend FireFox. NOT chrome)
- Make an account on
- Make fake profiles on Google Plus, StumbleUpon, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, VK, YouTube, Ask.FM and Pinterest. Even if you don’t want/make an account in the above mentioned sites, its ok, the script will run but you’ll waste your time. At this moment, this script DOES NOT support, Soundcloud, Myspace, Vine and website hits. [So no use making accounts on those]
- From your browsers ‘Get Extentions’ or ‘Get Addons’, get iMacro
- Download the script titled NewBest Apr2016.iim from here. Its a very small file, about 0.1kb
- Copy the script to your documents/iMacro/Macros folder.
- Double click or Run the script
- Minimize the browser and forget about it ? Enjoy The Points! Oh and after a while, do go to Bonus Points on Addmefast, as after 50 activities, you can get a big bonus ?
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